As much as we all make financial plans for the future, life is unpredictable. If you are facing a major life transition you will likely have many questions. Below are some of the most common life transitions where we have been able to provide advice, direction and financial guidance through our comprehensive Wealth Management Process (retirement planning, investment management and financial planning).
Widows, Widowers and Divorce - Have you recently lost a spouse or partner or experienced a divorce? You may be overwhelmed with financial decisions and could use a financial expert to help guide you in this difficult time.
Business Sale - Have you recently sold a business and are now struggling to determine how to transition financially to retirement, or turn a lump sum into a monthly income plan for life? We can help you coordinate your financial affairs, provide financial management and efficiently transfer the proceeds from your business sale into an ongoing income stream, allowing for a worry free transition to your next phase in life.
Inheritance - Has a recent inheritance provided you with an opportunity to make a great change in your financial life? We can help you analyze your options, organize priorities and ensure your new wealth is properly managed to meet new financial goal expectations.